Collaboration meeting: Oct. 17th-19th 2005
MIT Plasma Science and Fusion Center
Monday Oct. 17, 8:30 AM
- Welcome
- Pulsed Solenoid (slides)
- Review of Characteristics – P Titus
- Status of Manufacture -P Titus
- Testing at MIT
- Test Plan/Test Procedure – P. Titus
- Safety Issues of MIT Magnet testing.
- –Discussions with Catherine Fiore
- Power Supply Uprades/Modifications (slides)
- – Discussion with Phil Michael, Gary Dekow
- Cryogenic System for Testing -P Titus
- Data Acquisition (slides) - Discussion with Chen Yu Gung
- Princeton Nozzle Testing - Kirk McDonald
- Visit to PTF Test Area
- Tours of PSFC TED Lab Area, C-Mod, LDX as available.
Tuesday Oct. 18, 8:30 AM
- Experiment Infrastructure
- Hg Jet System Overview – Van Graves
- Cryogenics Overview – Friedrich Haug
- VRVS Video Session -10:30 am to 12 noon
- Optical Diagnostics (slides) - Thomas Tsang
- CANCELLED: Power Supply – Carlos DeMartins
- PS beam: response from the APC (slides
(8MB), pdf), A. Fabich
- Controls and DAQ – discussion
- MIT Seminar
- Simulation of Experiment
- MARS simulation (slides) – S. Striganov
- Simulation of Hg Jet dynamics (slides) - N. Simos
Wednesday Oct. 19, 8:30 AM
- Injection system Design review (slides)
- Testing at MIT. Infrastructure needs, Safety Issues.
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files already linked to Harold