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minutes collaboration meeting 5.Nov.2004, written AF
present: K.McDonald, H.Kirk, J.Lettry, H.Haseroth, T.Otto (partly), A.Fabich
 | New beam
optics are available resulting in a beam spot of rrms=1.4/1.5
mm. This is a pure simulation solution and does not respect technical
possibilities in the tunnel itself, e.g. the last but one quad has been
shifted 2 m downstream, where the wall separating TT2 and TT2A is located. A
combined study is need. Instead of decreasing the beam spot, one could also
envisage a doubling the intensity from 4 to 8 bunches. If we change the
layout of the beam line, could nToF run with this as well? this would saave
us the time to put averything back in its original place. |
 | The current interlock situation does not allow an access to TT2A while
having beam in the PS. This has severe impact on the running and the removal
of the experimental setup. Two solutions are possible:
 | The minimum removal can be performed within two working days, where
a dedicated PS MD without extraction should be scheduled. This demand
has to be placed in the proposal to the research board. This solution
does not provide access during the experiment itself. |
 | The beam line setup has to be changed such, that the radiation level
does not exceed 100 mSv/h in TT2A. A study (EDMS 341746,
doc) on radiation
level has been done, due to a previous accident in TT2A, where the beam
was lost and caused a radiation dos of about 0.5mSv within a single
spill, while people where working on the water factory for the nToF
target. With an installation of a moveable beam dump upstream of D3 and
adding a radiation monitor and the dipole to the interlock chain of the
PS, acces could possibly be provided (needs a study). |
 | An overview the transport times was presented. The solenoid weighs 4.5
tons and clearly exceeds the maximum of the turtle. Ask transport team for
solution (AF). Basically the study of actual installation and removal is a
task for the EA section. They are experts in this. |
 | JL presented an excel
spreadsheet showing the intersection of jet, beam
and solenoid with variable jet speed and nozzle position. |
 | The possibility of using fiber glas (T.Sang) or semiconductor detectors
(AF) instead of high-speed camera should be studied in detail. |
 | TiAlV is the preferred material for beam windows. The embrittlement by
the mercury splash is to be studied. An additional "thick" plate of
stainless steel or equivalent can protect the windows from the mercury
splash. |
 | The space for a control room, power suplly etc should be reserved in the
ISR close to the gallery towards TT2A. |
 | H.Kirk expressed, that the procedure to purchase the power supply
ALICE/LHCb can be initiated. The following steps should be taken as rapidly
as possible:
 | parallel to the purchase procedure, the definitive specs have to be
 | can a single transformer do the job? (action AF): If yes, no
transformer will be pruchased; if no, a closer contact with Japan
should find a common solution |
 | modification of DCCT to accomplish for Amax=7200 Amps |
 | modification to reverse instantaneously the input voltage for
faster ramp-down. |
 | two possibilities for payment
 | BNL only: in this case, CERN is not involved. A contact to the
supplier will be established by CERN |
 | BNL purchases via CERN: get in contact with purchasing office
via Carlos (action AF), setup of team-account (action HK), assure
BNL to be owner of device |
 | second possibility is preferred |
 | A collaboration meeting takes place on Nov16th at Princeton. Topic is
the mercury loop and its integration in the solenoid. |
 | What is the maximum momentum of the PS and the nToF line? |