chat with Carlos 10.Nov. 2004 (AF)

contact with purchase is R.Mueller

bulletthree technical specifications need to be updated to the supplier of the converter
bulletcan a single transformer do the job? This question is related only to the side of the 18kV-cell. The other side is for sure fine with it. Karsten has currently the curves for (re-)active power for 500 V and 7000A. The change to 704 V and 7200A does not change the preliminary study. Increasing the voltage is an advantage, as it decreases the reactive power, which causes possible troubles.
bulletmodification of DCCT to accomplish for 7200 A. -> different supplier than converter itself
bulletmodification to reverse the voltage instantaneously (see below)
bulletUntil what date is the current offer by Schneider valid?
bulletThe control system is provided by CERN. Can Japanese use the controls system provided by CERN? Japan uses 100V, 50 Hz.
bulletUpon reselling of the power supply, will the controls go with it?
bulletR.Mueller told later, that
bulletfirst contact (also for team account) is R.Forrest
bulletlater divisional reqeust
bulletsupplier for update of offer
bulletthe owner ship is given by the team account signers. The question of ownership should be discussed upon creating the team account with R.Forrest et al.

remove diodes
install Thyristor and control board