minutes collaboration 16.Nov.2004 at Princeton university
present: H.Kirk, K.McDonal, P.Spampinato, V.Graves, P.Titus, B.Sanders,
- discussion on mercury test on horizontal jet at Princeton, using the 20
hp engine
- support plate, common for solenoid, mercury loop and motor
- "mire" needs to be mounted on solenoid, to have an interface between
solenoid and CERN reference system.
- transport into tunnel, overview
- mercury loop, presentation by PS
- new document on "Design requirements and ..."
- ISO specification need discussion on usefulness
- The magnetic field at the location of the magnetic coupler and the
motor is still about 1 Tesla. Does this work?
- update on modifications to dump D3 to allow access to TT2A during PS
- informed collaboration of possibility to use an existing power supply at
- TS presents diagnostics
- experts told him, that pixel detectors are dead for a long time, if
struck by the partcile yield. not useable
- prefers to use passive system like in GHMFL
- presents illumination LumiTex
- catch picture in glasfiber from
- provides a solution without optical system of mirrors
- he did tests with a glassfiber bundle
Technical design review of mercury loop: 4th February 2004
Muon collaboration meeting: 14.November 2004
Summary by HK:
- The Princeton Nozzle test will be configured for horizontal operation.
Nozzle and catcher designs will be tested at Princeton
- Optical diagnostics based on fiber bundles. Back illumination with fiber
optics panel. Image capture with fiber optics bundles
- Hg supply channels will be placed on one side of primary containment,
which also contains the fiber optics panel. Opposite side of primary
containment will be dedicated to image capture fiber optics bundles.
- Hg jet nozzle will consist of minimal hole situated on a maximal Hg
- Hg jet catcher/deflector will consist of a plate <= 0.5mm thick.
- Proton beam entrance windows will be mounted on 2 1/8" conflate flanges.
Proton beam exit windows will be mounted on 2 3/4" conflate flanges. Single
windows for both primary and secondary containment vessels will be proposed
to CERN safety.
- Survey fiducials will be placed on both secondary containment vessel
beam windows for survey location relative to proton beam line.
- System controls for individual systems (Hg Jet, Cryo, PS, etc) can have
separate control formats but should be integratable. How to do this needs to
be addressed.
- Three abstracts will be prepared for PAC05
- CERN High power target experiment
- Hg Jet system
- Solenoid Test results