minutes videoconference 12.Oct.2004, written AF
referring to the document
presented by RB
- ad 1) What absolute tolerance and tolerance on the flat top do we
- ad 1) Tilt direction was re-discussed. In the document the tilt is
inverse to the previous base line scenario presented by Titus/Graves.
- ad 3) It was agreed to use Helium gas to remove LN2 from the cryostat.
The amount needed is relatively low, does not contribute to much to the
expenses, and the activation is lower than in the case of nitrogen gas.
- ad 4) The amount of oxygen accumulating in the solenoid is very low. No
under pressure is in the system. The delivered LN2 is pure. The "oxygen"
issue should be discussed with safety.
- ad 6) An inventory is currently made by the group of FH. The results
will be presented at the meeting on 4th November.
- ad 7) see Area Layout TT2A
- ad 11) Reversing the voltage shortens the ramp down and reduces the
energy damped in the solenoid. CM should be contacted to estimate the effort
needed to adapt the power supply.
- ad 12) A control room can be placed in the ISR tunnel. The cryogenics
have to be remotely controlled.
- ad schematic diagram:
- drain is indicated on the wrong side in respect to the tilt of the
- The heater does not play an active role. It is a safety measure to
prevent the line from being sub-cooled. It can be dropped, if the whole
line is vacuum protected.
- Indications for warm/cold lines, safety valves and flow directions
are missing.