| AD is responsible for mechanical issues (e.g. high pressure lines,
solenoid, ...) |
 | already in the November meeting AD gave some input: |
see lowest link |
 | AD is concerned about pressure vessels/LN2 circuit (from the mechanical
point of view; e.g. not ODH) |
 | quench of solenoid, see also below for calculations |
 | transport of heavy loads, if special tools are used, they need to be
certified by CERN |
 | references/documents:
 | all designs/constructions must comply with CERN D2 (pressure) and D1
(lifting). Regarding pressure vessel codes either CODAP2000 (European)
or ASME (US) can be used. The engineering files must be supplied to SC
for approval prior to the fabrication phase. documents can be found at
SC website:
e.g. link "documents" or ->GS -> Mechanical safety site and FAQ site
(Frequently encountered topics) |
 | AD remarked burst disk in layout of the solenoid. Such a device is
basically needed for all high pressure circuits/vessels. Whenever this must
be avoided for some reasons a thorough case by case assessment must be
carried out and compensatory measures taken. |
 | SC/GS needs the following documents as input |
 | ACAD drawings of solenoid, mercury circuit etc. |
 | must comply with ASME (as US is involved) \ |
 | calculations:
 | of all shells/vessels |
 | welds |
 | high pressure lines |
 | inspection procedures need to be defined |
 | hardcopies required for documents, not electronically |
 | standard equipement (e.g. dewar, LN2 pipes) need CE certificate |
 | vessels and similar equipement is tested again after transport (or:
tested e.g. in US and transport is secured to no damage by accelerometers
etc.) |
 | Q: pressure in LN2 circuit |
 | what happens in case of fire: |
 | what temperatures are expected (action: FA) |
 | can the outer confinement keep tight? |
 | does any confinement stand the pressure caused by heating? or can over
pressure occur at all? Large volumes? |
 | also outer confinement needs to fulfill ASME (= The American Society of
Mechanical Engineers) http://www.asme.org/ |