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nToF11 beam request (DRAFT)
Here the different modes of beam desired for the nToF11 run in spring 2007
are described. It is not intended to provide a
regular beam request.
- The proton beam at PS extraction has a nominal beam momentum of 24 GeV/c,
which is the maximum that can be transported on the FTN line.
- PS is running in
harmonic 8.
- The maximum nominal intensity is 5*1012 protons per bunch (ppb). A possibility to increase this to 7*1012 ppb
will be investigated. The bunch length is 50 ns.
- nToF11 is a single-pulse experiment. Upon request one and only one pulse
should be extracted. A delay between two pulses (with modifications) is at least
of 30 minutes, if the mercury jet target is present.
For the purpose of beam tuning, the mercury target is not present and typical, permanent cycling can be
 | setup and intensity runs
 | up to four subsequent buckets are filled |
 | the intensity per bunch can be chosen from 1 to 5 (7) ppb. |
 | pump-probe method
 | This needs the possibility to fill the eight buckets of the PS with the
four bunches to our discretion. E.g. three bunches in the first three
buckets, the position of the fourth bunch varied from pulse to pulse. Also
possible to have two initial bunches and two are varied in position. |
 | In this mode the pulse length is limited to 2ms
due to the strength of the kicker modules (see PS extraction kicker modules). |
 | extended pump-probe method - PS multi kick method
 | In order to allow to use the PS multi kick
mode of the PS extraction system, the requested momentum is temporarily
reduced to the maximum possible (?14 GeV/c?) having two kicks available.
This would allow to extend the extraction beyond 2ms. |
 | "50Hz-operation" - PS multi batch mode
 | With the possibility of reusing the kicker modules
after 10 ms at full strength allows to simulate the nominal 50 Hz
operation of the neutrino factory. |
 | Half of the bunches extracted first, followed 20 ms later by the
remaining bunches. Nominal four bunches are assumed. |
 | Filling the PS with 8 bunches requires an additional sub-cycle for
filling from the PSB, but allows to study the effect of 50 Hz operation at
nominal intensity per "pulse". |
The possibility of using the continuous-transfer (CT) option for extraction
should be discussed as well.
The beam spot at experiment should be rr.m.s=1.2 mm at maximum intensity to
achieve nominal power densities. The quadrupole strengths are kept for all
intensitites. A range of displacement of +-5mm in both planes is required to
study possible misalignment failures.
Contact PS machine: Christian Carli, Simone Gilardoni, Massimo Giovannozzi,
S.Hancock, Gianluigi Arduini (MD planning)
Cc: Ilias Efthymiopoulos, Jacques Lettry, Adrian Fabich, Harold Kirk, Kirk